
Special Event Of The Month ( Hari Palang Merah Indonesia)

  Hello teman-teman!! Saya Della Zahra Aulia dari kelas XII IPA 2 Di sini saya akan memberi penjelasan tentang Hari Palang Merah Indonesia  Tepat tanggal 17 September pada tahun 1945 silam, Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) resmi didirikan. PMI merupakan organisasi perhimpunan yang bergerak dalam bidang sosial kemanusiaan. Tak diragukan lagi, PMI memiliki peran yang begitu besar bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Melansir dari laman resmi PMI, PMI memiliki tujuh prinsip utama, yakni kemanusiaan, kesamaan, kesukarelaan, kemandirian, kesatuan, kenetralan, dan kesemestaan. Selain itu, PMI juga tidak memihak golongan politik, ras, suku ataupun agama tertentu. Artinya, PMI tidak melakukan pembedaan tetapi mengutamakan korban yang membutuhkan. Sejak berdirinya PMI, telah banyak kegiatan di bidang kemanusiaan yang telah dilakukan. Maka dari itu, sudah seharusnya kita memberikan apresiasi yang besar bagi pelopor perhimpunan ini. Visi dan misi Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) adalah : Visi Terw...

Song Part 1 and 2 (Find What Song Tell You)

  Hello back again with me on my blog, today we will learn about song part 1 and 2!1 A.       Understanding Song is a composition of tone or voice in sequence, combination and temporal relation to produse a musical compositian that has unity and continuity.  B.       Purpose Songs are used to express feeling and idea in an entertaining world. Songs can be used to deliver social criticism. The moral values are hidden in the lyrics .    Songs are a way to express emotions and feelings in a fun way.  Songs can also be a medium to convey criticism about the situation in society.  Moral value  or mandate is usually implied in the lyrics made by songwriters.     C.       Language Characteristics Song    or songs also have linguistic characteristics, you know!  Well, here are the linguistic characteristics of the  song.   ·    ...

Exposition Text Part 2

  Hello everyone!! back again on my blog, so we will learn about Exposition Text Part 2   Definition of Exposition Text Exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer’s opinion on phenomena or issues without persuading the readers to do something. Social Function of Exposition Text To convince the reader that the topic presented is an important topic to discuss or get attention by providing arguments or opinions that support the main idea or topic. Type of Exposition Text There are two types of exposition text : Analytical Exposition Text and Hortatory Exposition Text - Analytical Exposition Analytical exposition text that begins with a statement that shows the author's attitude, opinion, or position on the theme being discussed, then supported by various arguments and closes with an affirmation or restatement of the opinion stated at the beginning.  - Hortatory Exposition Hortatory Exposition is a type of persuasive text or oral material, often ...