Descriptive Text Part 3
Hello everyone! Back again on my blog, so we will learn about Descriptive Text Part 3! Description of Descriptive Text Descriptive text is a text that aims to explain, describe, or describe something. This thing can take the form of anything, be it animals, objects, locations, and so on. Sosial Function •To identify/acknowledge •To promote •To compliment/be proud of Text Structure •Identification : To identify the place •Characteristic : Describe the place in more detailed information •Activity : Describe activity that can be done at the place The Language Features •Words or phrase related to describe tourist spots •Adverb such as quite, very, extremely etc • Passive voice •Present tense Descriptive text historical buildings is tell about a historical place clearly and in detail. Example : Borobudur Temple Borobudur is the largest temple in Indonesia. Candi Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, in a...